XSDdoc 2.0
Schema Processing Capability
XSDdoc processes any valid XML schema definition (with or without target name)
and incorporates external XML Schema definitions (i.e., included or imported XSD) into
the documentation. It also handles circular schema references and chameleon namespaces.
Local Element Declaration Display
Local elements are listed separately from their
parent schema components and are easily accessible from the index. Each local element
declaration has its own page with the comprehensive documentation.
XML Instance Display
XSDdoc generates an XML instance, which is an XML document describing the
schema component’s usage. The XML instance shows users what attributes are available for
each element and how elements are grouped and nested within each other. End users can
use the XML instance as a template when composing the XML document. Schema designers can
use this information to refine the content model of their schema component.
Attribute List Display
XSDdoc lists an element’s attributes along with type descriptions and data value
restrictions in a compact, tabular format. For added convenience, XSDdoc
also lists the child elements’ attributes on the same page.
Annotation Display
XSDdoc displays user annotations for schema components, local elements,
enumerations and restrictions. Users can switch between a fully annotated view and
a streamlined undocumented view with a simple mouse click.
Enhanced Type Derivation Reporting
For simple and complex types, XSDdoc displays a type hierarchy diagram with labels
specifying derivation methods (i.e., extension or restriction). XSDdoc will
analyze the entire set of schema definitions and produce a list of subtypes. XSDdoc also
produces a global type hierarchy that contains all type components. This makes it easy for
users to understand the type system of the entire XML vocabulary.
Data Value and Content Model Reporting
XSDdoc generates a short description for each attribute data value and element content
model. The description will state all restrictions that apply to the data. For elements,
XSDdoc also generates a substitution group head and a list of substitution group members.
Reference Reporting
XSDdoc provides a cross-reference table displaying a schema component's use
and used-by relations with other components (including attributes and local elements). Schema
designers can use this information to analyze how a design change can affect
the entire schema definition.
Cross-browser Interactive Documents
XSDdoc has several features that make searching and browsing a large collection of
XML vocabulary a snap. XSDdoc sorts and indexes schema components according to
category (i.e., attribute, attribute group, simple type, complex type, element declaration,
model group and notation).
In addition, the ability to group or filter schema components by namespace allows users to focus on particular subsets of schema definitions that are relevant. Every schema component has its own HTML page, thus providing quick and easy access to specific schema components without the hassle of downloading the entire documentation. In addition to the schema component index, XSDdoc has a schema file browser linking each file to a schema summary. This summary provides a quick overview of the schema, along with helpful component metrics like schema component count. |
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