WSDLdoc 1.0 Usage
WSDLdoc processes only valid XML Schema 1.0 and WSDL 1.1 files.
Users can use IBM's SQC or Microsoft's XSD schema validator to verify the XSD files meet requirements before running WSDLdoc.

WSDLdoc requires Java 1.2 or above.

wsdldoc.bat [options] file0.wsdl http://url/file1.wsdl

-help: prints out help message to standard output
-version: prints out program version information
-verbose: prints out execution trace
-title text: parameter value of <title> for the generated HTML document
-dir path: location where WSDLdoc will save generated HTML files. If path does not exist, WSDLdoc will automatically create required directories.
If -dir is not specified, WSDLdoc creates "tmpdoc" in current directory.
-pathprefix file:* file path prefix of the given file. This value can be used as second argument for -hrefprefix.
url_prefix file_path_prefix:*
replace file path prefix with url prefix in the HTML outputs. This operation recursivly processes all the WSDLs and XSDs in a directory. For more information, please see example 3.

Usage Example:
1. wsdldoc.bat -verbose sample.wsdl

2. wsdldoc.bat -verbose -title "uddi" -dir "c:\uddi"
3. uddi_v3_binding.wsdl is on c:\uddi\ (path is c:\uddi\uddi_v3_binding.wsdl), and the mirror copy's url is

Case (1): wsdldoc.bat -verbose file:/C:/uddi/uddi_v3_binding.wsdl.
The generated document will reference the c:\uddi\uddi_v3_binding.wsdl file.
Case (2): wsdldoc.bat -verbose -hrefprefix ""
"file:/C:/uddi/"  file:/C:/uddi/uddi_v3_binding.wsdl.
"file:/C:/uddi" is replaced by "" therefore the generated
document will reference

To run customized scripts or incorporate WSDLdoc into the build process, type java -jar wsdldoc.jar (plus command-line options).

We can provide an internal API for users wishing to integrate WSDLdoc within another Java program. Please contact support for more information about this availability.

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